“Zelena čistka” in Sinj area

100_5416100_5418Association BIOM is inviting you to be a part of the “Let’s do it: World Cleanup“, which is in Croatia organised by „Zelena čistka“, on Saturday 23 April at 9 AM in Sinj. BIOM will clean an illegal waste deposit near river Cetina which is also close to the track used for cycling, horse riding and also by athletes,recreation enthusiasts, nature walkers, fishermen, and other numerous vacationers. There is an approximately 25 m3 of construction waste located very close to the river. Part of cleaning equipment will be provided, but it would be nice if you cloud bring your own (gloves, shovels). The waste disposal is arranged by Cetina d.d., with the support of the town government of Sinj also the dredge, that will be used to remove the heavier pieces waste and Vodovod i odvodnja Cetinske krajine d.o.o. took care of purchasing the consumables. Gathering is at 9 am on the west bank of the river, 500 m downstream of the Vučić dam. The meeting place which is also location of illegal waste deposit is marked on a map below!

In order to have a better idea about the number of volunteers, we would like you to report your arrival to e-mail adress: ante.kodzoman@biom.hr. Also, follow us on Facebook for further information!

Map „Zelena čistka“
