BETSA camp Montenegro, Orjen, 25th to 27th of April 2016


Within the project “BETSA” from 25 to 27 April we participated in a joint camp for development of educational tourism based on biodiversity, held on Orjen in Montenegro. The main organisers and hosts of the camp were the Montenegrin partners in the project – the Centre for Bird Protection and Study (CZIP), Eko Boka and Tivat Township. On the Croatian side, the camp was attended by the Baška Voda Township, the tourism sector representatives and the Association BIOM.

After getting acquainted with the program of the camp, we listened to lectures on Orjen`s natural and cultural heritage, and the resources for educational tourism development presented by employees of CZIP and the Agency for the Protection and Development of Orjen.

Next day the weather was great and early in the morning we started our field activities, birdwatching, flora and fauna research, and hiked to the mountain top “Sedlo” (1596 m) to the mountain lodge. After the daily activities, in the evening the short films about ornitofauna of Montenegro were shown to the participants, and also using the audiovisual presentation the results of the birdwatching.

On the last day, the hard rain interrupted our excursion, but we are grateful for the strong impressions we had of Orjen`s magnificent nature and the wealth that it offers!

Thank you all for participation and great company, especially CZIP members for hosting us and making us feel comfortable!

Thanks to family Tripković who were tirelessly making delicious meals for all of us at the tavern “Gušti” and for being at our service from the early morning!
