Biom – Association

For nature and people

Protecting nature means investing in future. While protecting birds and their habitats, we protect vitality of ecosystem - for people and nature.
Learn more

Ornithological camp Učka 2024

We invite you to join us at Učka, relax in nature, and get to know the birds during their autumn migration at the Ornithological Camp!
Pročitajte više
Biljana Ječmenica/BIOM Zatvori

Eurasian spoonbill

Biljana Ječmenica/BIOM
What we do?

What can we do with your support?

With our professional knowledge and devoted work we start process of nature protection. Together with other organizations and institutions, with support from our members and volunteers, we build sustainable future for nature and people. Give us your support in activities whose main goal is protection of the living world.

More about us

Everyone can do something

You can become a member or a volunteer! You can join us at a birdwatching tour or other events. There are many ways you can get involved to support our work and help nature. Volunteering is a great way to help, learn new skills, meet new people and have some fun!

Volunteer with us!

Report your findings

By sharing information, citizens and experts can jointly help with preservation of important species and habitats. Your notes and observations may turn into our next initiative!

Be our eyes and ears!
Image 4

What do you know about birds?

Test your knowledge!

Start the quiz!

Our events


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